Positioned right in the middle of the Celtic cross tarot spread, the first card in the spread always represents the person asking the question, also known as the querent . If you are a bit confused and not sure about working where you are, maybe you are exploring many different opportunities but you dont know whats best for you, a tarot spread for work is definitely a great opportunity to clarify that. 2. present. Advice for Tarot Readers: Embrace the Blank Space. Why do I feel this way? Can you deal with the issues revealed in this card? It gives you an answer as to the influences . In general, a very positive result for your future might be the answer youre looking for. This is a custom made tarot reading done by hand and sent to you by an experienced reader. Or perhaps you just need to trust your intuition but dont rush into anything. I think it speaks to work-life balance how does your job work with your life as a whole how does it affect your family, your spouse or dating in general? It asks you to look at the situation from different perspectives and take time to think before acting. When getting a career tarot reading, its important to be clear about the questions you need answers to. Cookie Policy In this article, the seventh chakra (Crown Chakra) is mentioned on top and the first chakra (Root Chakra) at the bottom. (Explained), How to Draw a Tarot Card of the Day? The Tower: Release the illusory script of your life, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: The Emperor and the Hierophant, How to Discover your Inner Tarot Reader: An Eight-Point Guide, Aces, Tens and the Court: Tarot Exercises to Find your Path, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Advanced Tarot Reading, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: The Devil, and Presenting the Darker Cards, Tarot Sampling: When free readings mean good business, An Exercise for Finding Balance in Tarot and in Life, The Four of Pentacles: Some Truths about Tarot Interpretation, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: How to Learn Tarot, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Being Objective in Self Reading, Give Some Thought to Tarot Ethics and Professionalism, One, Two, Three, Tarot Stories! It will also prepare you if you do decide to quit your job. Or don't stay still just go for it? But the 4 of Swords at the end feels like being boxed in. The third card pulled in this should I quit my job Tarot spread reveals the positives of quitting. When the job is shitty, its again good to remind yourself of the bigger picture and where youre going with this. The "Purpose" tarot spread to see what your true calling is. If the four of cups is you answer to the question "should I accept this job", Yes, you should. Accurate Career Tarot Reading is done through a 3 card spread. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. Ask What will be the result if I dont buy this car? and pull a card. Understanding a problem If you are dealing with some problems at work, a tarot spread for work can also help you focus on what lessons you need to cherish to finally find your way to happiness and to live a life you are truly in tune with. All Rights Reserved |, Choosing Direction with a Job Tarot Spread. How can I achieve what I truly want for my work life. Lead photo courtesy of Pexels; Anna Tarazevich. Understanding and dealing with fear Simply replace the 'day' for the 'week' in the descriptions and you're done! 3559 Southwest Corporate Parkway A minimalist and modern lenormand card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. Of course, if you would like to go more in-depth or are in search of more detail, then doing a multiple-card spread from 5 or more is better. Guide Questions. Return to Me (Come To Me) Reconciliation Tarot Spreads. If you're looking for the deck featured in this post, the Luminous Spirit Tarot,you can get more information aboutit here. You will certainly find the answer! ), Obstacle: Queen of Cups (keeping my emotions in check, letting go of painful memories? This is NOT a generic automated tarot quiz. Please leave this site if the practice of traditional methods of divination are not of interest to you. Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. If you are not that experienced, you can use this easy spread to work with tarot cards in an easy, practical way. The Hanged Man represents a time for pause and reflection. Tarot cards are an ancient form of divination, evoking wit and wisdom to help guide you on your life's journey. This spread is ideal for someone who has already decided to try something new in their career. If your current job does not align with these goals, it may suggest that you need to quit. 6 Crystals For Finding Lost Pets Thatll Help Locate Your Pet! Three-Card Spreads. Whats the best option for me to have a better work life? Remember this is not a generic website sending random cards based on your choices. Also during a Yes or No tarot reading, there are some things to keep in mind, like how to deal with reversed tarot cards and how to interpret "maybe" cards. How can I balance my dreams and my reality? Avoid asking the Cards "Yes" or "No" Questions. The Blockbuster Tarot Spread. Tarot spreads for work are amazing to help you know the truth so you can use it to live a life that is truly meaningful for you. You may also look for the answers you wish to see, rather than being open to what the cards represent. Photo by Lou Siday. There are 22 Major Arcana cards, ranging from the Fool to the World, which represents the different phases of life one will encounter at some point in their career. Its the card of new beginnings, job offers and opportunities. When done right, a job tarot reading can reveal exactly what you need to know to find the right job for you. Thank you, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. My spiritual life The temptation eluded to by the Devil card is however, curious. It's been a tough season. A career tarot reading like this might help you see that theres another direction you can take. You can do this technique as a tarot spread, or simply ask questions and pull cards the result will be the same. Adorned with holographic gold edges. Best Online Tarot Card Reading Services: Popular Tarot Deck Readers Of 2022. Set card two horizontally on top of the first card. Palm City, FL, 34990 And if things are not so great in our work lives, it means that sadly, it easily can slip into other areas - whether were taking it out on our loved ones, or stressing about finances. Order a business tarot spread to make the right choice and achieve great results in future. They will be there to help you through any concerns or questions you may have. I know a lot of you are hurting right now. I personally prefer complete tarot spreads to unlock the full potential of the reading, but the option is there. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. At Easy-tarot.net we provide a unique selection of readings you can receive immediately online. When you search job, this Tarot spread will help you to answer the question if you get it. Need help deciding whether a particular job is right for you? Reading Tarot for Yourself: Are There Times to Put the Cards Away? Should We Even Try to Predict a New Year? (This is where we'll send your reading once it's been done. Lay some simple ground rules with yourself. If you like tarot but you are not comfortable with doing a tarot reading yourself, I can help you with one of my professional readings. Tarot can be a terrific way to dig deeper into our lives by connecting with our subconscious, strengthening our intuition, and distilling relevant universal archetypes, storylines, and lessons all within a 78-card deck. Understanding and dealing with fear My work life Free email Tarot reading - The Crossroads Spread (2 spreads) The Crossroads Ritual and Tarot Spread. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. Should I leave my job? 2 Abre Camino (Open Roads) Tarot Spreads. More Resolve a conflict I realize this is a pretty good reading, but I am stuck interpreting it (esp the #5 card) Any advice is appreciated, thank you so much It can help you unlock your true career potential and achieve results you didnt think were even possible. This spread is especially powerful when asking . Five Tips for Marketing your Metaphysical Business that may Surprise You, Intuition and Interpretation: Eleven Rules for Putting it all Together. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. The Skeleton Key. Its interesting as for #1, your dream job you have the Knight of Pentacles, which Ive always seen as a work-o-holic type, someone who pushes themselves really hard at their job and sacrifices the rest of their life because they want to prove themselves in their field. Career Tarot readings are done using a 3-card spread, with each card representing a symbol of your professional success or failure. Sign up to receive a free Tarot reading sent to you each month via email. The Tarot spread we have provided above is a great way to determine whether or not you should quit your job. This Tarot spread is perfect if you are going for a new job opportunity or have been offered a promotion. A Student's Question: The Five and Seven of Swords, The Evil Sisters of Anxiety and Depression, The Weight Deck: Tarot as a Tool for Weight Loss, The Two Card Creative Spread: William Blake Tarot, Tarot By Christiana Official Office Hours. 1 Best 3 spreads for work. There are 22 Major Arcana cards, ranging from the Fool to the World, which represents the different phases of life one will encounter at some point in their career. The Tarot can help you answer any questions about career and work you might have. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Tarot Translation Group: What Does the Ten of Swords Say to You? This spread is great to learn what direction you should take when you find yourself a bit stuck in a rut and not able to make decisions. This card is usually pretty obvious and will often show you your dream job. The thing is, many of our questions for tarot do involve decisions. The reason we ask these questions is the more we understand about you the more accurate we can be. This is a simple five-card cross spread that allows you to delve into the pros and cons of the new job. Knowing with certainty your future work is essential to ensure economic stability in our lives. The second card represents your career goals. What would happen if I took this job/career path 8 of pants - I'll grow and develop my skills a further. If you have a special event coming up, perhaps a job interview or life event, this tarot spread will provide you with guidance on how that day might unfold. Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Getting Back your Tarot Groove! Option two. The answer seems clear. Copyright2023 Tarot Guru, all rights reserved. Social life snapshot Hello! Any help is appreciated!!! (Explained). Each suit represents a different facet of life. 1. How my friends see me. This can be used for several scenarios; whether youre pretty happy and are thinking of your longer term trajectory, whether youre feeling a little blas about where you are, and perhaps need some reminders about what youre doing there. Hi there! Kasamba - Recommended Psychic Reading . and what ones will just never feel right for you. . Try a personal in-depth Tarot reading with Elissa. What You Should Focus On This Week Five Reasons your Tarot Friends are your Best Friends, Tarot in my Life: Serenity Prayer Spread, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Intuition, A Review by Request: Golden Tarot by Kat Black, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: The Two of Swords, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: Short Pro Readings, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: The Two of Wands, Tarot in My Life: Watch your step when you Dance with the Devil, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: Shuffling, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: Moving from a Marseille Deck to a Waite Deck, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Choosing a Deck and the Mary-el Tarot, Tarot in My Life: Four of Swords - Calming Restless Thoughts, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: The Knight of Cups, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: A Question about Questions, The Coming of The Second Harvest and My Take, Answers to you Questions about Tarot: Tarot History and Tarot de Marseille, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: Tarot Reversals, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: The Suit of Swords, Answers to your Questions about Tarot: The Court Cards, Tarot in My Life: New Growth & Celebrations. The most insight will be provided when the question is purposeful and open to further development. Knowing the most important things behind the real work life you deserve and that is good for you can easily help you focus and manifest a new work life made up of happiness, satisfaction, and balance between what you would like to have and what you have. You can use these 3 card tarot spreads to find your path and calling. Working through difficult feelings If you feel drawn to do this tarot spread then it's likely time that you make some changes in your life. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. Your work life might seem confusing and not that great. Sometimes, we just dont know what we actually want! Elissa, you will receive understanding and guidance for all areas of your life in an instant. Yesterday, today and tomorrow All jobs have good and bad, and it is up to you to work out if the positives outweigh the negatives. Very often the readings consist only of three cards with no positional meanings and a poorly worded question. I did a six card spread the final one answering the question: should I quit now? That makes it a huge chunk of our time, and if were lucky, we might be doing something that is worthwhile, or at least spend it with people that we enjoy. View sample. Balance and refine the spread. When Mercury Crosses the Sun: A Tarot Exercise, Checking in with the Divine: Our Natural Divinatory Process, Advice for Tarot Pros: Events Build Relationships, The 3 R's of Marketing your Tarot Business, This week in tarot: smart, provocative blog posts, Operational Tarot: Majors and Minors without Limits, Some Thoughts on Literalism, Spirituality and Tarot, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Tarot as a Tool for Mediumship, The Middle Path of Perception: Tarot Spread for an Attitudinal Sweet Spot, Tarot Really Works: A Letter from a Satisfied Tarotist, Three Tips for Tarot Pros: What to do When You're Just Not Feeling It, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Tarot Cards of Significance for LGBT Communities, Consider Meditation to turn Old Habits into New Beginnings, An Example of Reversal: Two Angles on the Same Card, Shooting for the stars: Introvert? Contact us. Start reading The final card looks at the outcome of your job search. The card represents advice in each position and can help you get the desired result. It can help show you whether this job offer is coming soon or if you should wait for something better. United States, 866-99TAROT 866-998-2768 (Toll Free) 561-655-1160 (Text or Call) 772-207-1852 (Palm City). These readings have been carefully tailored to help guide you in many different areas of life and include unusual spreads available nowhere else on the internet. I hope not! - 3. The 2 of Cups rx looks like a quandary: the connection you expected to have with the job didn't materialize and you're pondering what to do about it. A Career Tarot Spread can help give you some clarity about what youre doing and whether you should continue down the same path. You should make it before the interview. Or, it may be a positive card telling you that quitting your job will ultimately be worth it. Last week, this week and next week Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. 8. There are a few really great tarot groups on social media where folks share readings they perform and ask other group members to share thoughts and interpretations to offer a clearer understanding of the reading. Advertise with us. The conflict resolution spread is best for those who want to free themselves from the negative physical, emotional, and mental effects of arguments and miscommunication. Hope this helps! The cards can help you see what will be the best choice for you, not just a filler job - but perhaps even your true calling and purpose. The first card pulled in this should I quit my job Tarot spread represents your current position. and what ones will just never feel right for you. She has been offered a post at her friend's hotel business. Help for a break-up or divorce It wont tell you to quit your job (only you can decide that). Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , I was doing a Google search and I found your site and some of your tarot spreads are really amazing I would love to learn more from your site. Tea suggests beginners start with a three-card reading. 1.1 3-card spread; 1.2 5-card spread - exploring new opportunities; 1.3 8-card spread - work life check in; 2 How to choose the right tarot spread; 3 How to use tarot spreads for work. I went through a big break up a few months ago, and have a pretty steady job and good friends in my current situation, but I am keen for some adventure and I feel somewhat hopeful a new place will help me move on. The final card looks at the outcome of your job search. Make some changes, and maybe apply for jobs you havent considered before. Let's start with explaining the simplest of tarot spreads, perfect for beginners. If this card is overwhelmingly negative, it shows you that the issues in your job are really affecting you. Connecting with Your 1918 Flu Pandemic Ancestors, Tarot Toothbrushing and the Power of the Meetup, A Technique for Dream Interpretation with Tarot, When the Card Doesn't Seem to Answer the Question, Are They Cheating? Figuring out my friend A good job tarot reading can point you in the exact direction your new line of workis waiting in. I'll be doing your reading myself and sending you the results. People seek advice when facing unresolved conflicts and when suffering through misunderstandings. This three-card spread allows you to take a decision that has two options and look at what both mean for you. Business success Tarot Reading Will you get the job? It represents the challenge or blockage. Depending on the position, it can also refer to travel in your career. It points you towards successful parts of the process and what has been working well for you. Ideal career path. A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. Additionally, "health-related issues are best left attended by a licensed physician," he says. In particular, were focusing on 3 situations, and we hope youll find these useful. Get noticed at work It usually reflects uncertainty or money worries. My brother and his life Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. Working conditions/environment you attract. You have a lot of potential brewing right now and the power to achieve your goals. Social life snapshot 04. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. The mes. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual . Whats been working, and what might you want to change? When wanting to perform a should I quit my job Tarot spread, it is important to approach it with a clear head. 2. Privacy Policy. If the company is located in a small town, then there may be fewer applicants for the job. So often we find ourselves almost trapped in a life we dont want; when this happens in our work life, everything gets heavy, stressful, and absolutely. This card can show you different aspects of the process. My brother and his life This seven-card spread works as the best career coach to build a strong and secure professional career. 5. This job should be a good move. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. If you're on a job hunt or want to visualize your dream career, this simple but powerful layout serves as a touchstone. Find answers and connect with your inner self. All Rights Reserved |. Business success Tarot Reading If the Chariot appears in a should I quit my job Tarot spread, it is giving you the green light to move forward with your career. It tells you that you have the determination to achieve your goals, which might mean you need to quit your job. Place card . My boyfriend and I Last month, this month and next month My name is Elissa and Ive been giving tarot readings for twelve years. Another path you havent considered. (Oh, and I threw in a bonus 7-card Career Spread at the end.) A free tarot card reading for your career can give you valuable insight into where you are headed in your professional life. Many smart tarot people shake their heads at the should questions because, by definition, a should question is a yes-or-no question. Sit down for a moment and be at peace with the unknownsyour intuition will guide you. Love life snapshot Personal Readings - So, what is the answer? Should I take the job? Psychic Development, Magick, and Meditation, Book, Deck, Movie and Event Reviews (Legacy), Some Thoughts About the Questions We Ask Tarot, Seeking the Truth with Major Arcana 18, the Moon, The Importance of Nuance in Tarot and in Life, Five Things to Help You Find Your Niche as a Tarot Pro, Pivot from the Anxious Question to Healing. If you like a spread youve seen online or you feel you need more cards when working on a spread, follow that intuition and see where it leads you. The third step is to arrange your cards in the following order: Current career path. The last card in this online Tarot spread looks at obstacles. The thing is, many of our questions for tarot do involve decisions. Not sure if youre on the right path or not? What kind of energy rules this new opportunity? "The Witches" A dream about my sisters, forever being the 3 of cups. It can also offer insights into aspects of your career you were unaware of, identify whats working in your favor as well as against you, and provide the guidance youve been seeking. Handling the Tarot Reader's Dilemma, Five Tips to Help You Learn or Teach Tarot, Five Ways We Use Intuition in a Tarot Reading, Overcoming Shyness and Other Obstacles as a Tarot Reader, A Tarot Perspective Shift That Can Change Your Life, A Sneak Peek of Tarot of the Divine Masculine, Is This the One? We hope you enjoyed these cards! 5 out of 5 stars (891) $ 30.00. I never could, I just go blank. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. The four of cups typically appear when theres a job offer that youre unsure about. Should I give Joe another chance? How will it go? Helping the world. So it won't take long. Today the Tarot spread is one of the most popular and trusted methods to use when considering a career change. 1. Every card is important in a tarot spread (not just the major ones), but these are some of the main ones to look out for. When done right, a job tarot reading can reveal exactly what you need to know to find the right job for you. 3. future. Of Course, We Should! My work life The star contains the four classic elements of earth, air, fire, and water, plus spirit. Perhaps you would like to ask, What will be the result if I look for a different car? or, What if I dont buy a car at all?By breaking your question into multiple questions that anticipate all possible options, and by replacing the phrasing of should I with what would be the result if I you will drastically increase your chances for a clear, helpful, insightful tarot reading. This card can help you decide whether you want to accept a job offer. You can read more about me Here. It may show your attitude towards your job or the good it brings into your life. Let me walk you through them at a high level, and then I'll go into a little bit more detail. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. You can follow this spread up with others to give you even further insight. More Health Issues Tarot Reading When you wake up in a haze and feel confused, take a deep breath and take out your deck. Three Card Career Tarot: Did I Get the Job? A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. The pentagram tarot spreads are a five-point star that has a sacred meaning in paganism. more info, Instant Tarot Readings - Relationship past, present, future Make sure your emotions are in check when performing this spread. However, it is certain that the means for meeting this temptation will be found inside you. Once you are aware of these, you will know what type of workyou'dbe talentedat (and perhaps even enjoy!) The Chakra Tarot Spread can determine the specified state of the querent's chakras. Understanding family dynamics Hopes & Fears: A Call to Reframe Our Experiences, 9 Ways Tarot Readers Work against Themselves, A quick guide to the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Tarot in My Life: "Getting Back to YourSelf" Tarot Spread, Seven Ways to Promote a Tarot-Positive World, Tarot in My Life: Three of Pentacles - Body, Mind and Spirit, Tarot Translation Group - December 10, 2012, Five Things to do with your Tarot Journal, The Major Arcana Finds Their Christmas Tree, Tarot Translation - Tarot and the Full Moon, Compare and Contrast Justice and Judgment, Seven Ways to avoid being limited by Your Teacher, Save the Reading: Seven Things to do when the Cards Don't Make Sense, Create a Custom Tarot Spread for a Specific Situation, Epiphanies from the Dark Eclectic Tarot Music List, Tarot and the Search for Identity: Five Ways Tarot Can Help You Discover Yourself, Tarot Translation - Week of Sept. 23 - 29, My Interpretation of Tarot Translation - Question 2, Listen to Bad Advice (But You Don't Have to Take It!

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