Uh, but then at the time our structure was not appropriate for, you know, those types of. But what, what about ownership makes sustainably successful teams? We're all about that. So this is one of the most fascinating discoveries that I had is that actually cascading KPIs. And everyone will agree that it is the right thing to have teams collaborate. This isnt to say that we dont disagree like any group of passionate, opinionated people, we disagree often. Nadiem: The compound. Nadiem: Fear and money. Nadiem: Yeah, we can go on for hours about this. Nadiem: I just got it done. When people feel comfortable in a space, when they . This is a good segue to the other theme. And I think these are the things that very often organizations are too lazy to invest in upfront because they don't give, there's no instant gratifications here. Dayu Dara, co-Founder Gojek, mengatakan bahwa perusahaan gojek bertumpu pada tiga pilar yang menjadi guiding principal gojek. Nadiem: You don't have to be an asshole. Innovation Solve problems at scale. So I think that would be my one. Right. Kevin: Yeah. Google is home to countless communities of unique people. They just had a way or a means to communicate through bottom up. Well, what for you, it's when, you know, you're trying to, when you're trying to raise something, right? Sometimes this is dangerous, but you know what you're good at. I don't know why suddenly I'm so much more Kevin: Right? GoFood becomes the world's most helpful and user-friendly app during the pandemic. Tell us what you want to be the best at. Yeah. Which is around building these bridges. But I really think that, you know, YouTube have such a large advantage, I think in the general video space I really don't see how they could get challenged in the near term. As a pioneer, Go-Jek has to gain consumer . Nadiem: Same exact thing. Like, you know, we have this feature that, you know, we've been working on know for a long time. And that was the payoff in my mind. This thing that I've been doing for a while actually doesn't really matter. Ranks 17th among Fortunes Top 20 companies that changed the world. Gojek is funded by 34 investors. GoFood rated #1 user-friendly app during the pandemic. Right? For me, its the people. We actually forced groups to share their key results. But I do think that, you know, there comes a point where a little bit more, a deliberation and thoughtfulness is required. Nadiem: Like they want to be the best at recommendations. And you also have to be a very effective collaborator to do that. I mean, we, we, I mean the last, what, four years, uh, we just kind of held on, right? If you're the best at everything, you're the best at nothing. And so if you kind of focus too much on the what and the output here, which is just like all me, uh, then the easiest thing to do is just for, it's for me to always make it look like, you know, I'm the person who has all the ideas and the execution to my boss. Then we're able, even leaders become, gain far greater visibility and transparency into what's happening on the ground really. And the first one, organizational investments. And kind of see that in you check in like every year it's still the thing that they really want to nail that level of conviction of saying like, oh, we're going to be great at this. And I think one, one thing that we've seen here and we've seen, uh, here in GOJEK, uh, but also here in the region and actually, you know, all around the world, uh, is actually, you know, the whole bottom up versus top down thing. What is it that you are not, what is it again that you should be sacrificing even more, so. And then we come to the third kind of strategic theme, which is be the best at what matters. GOJEK does ride hailing, food delivery, payments even on demand massages. Yeah. It is the only company in southeast asia that is included in fortune 's 50 companies that changed the world in 2017 and 2019, ranked at 17 and 11, respectively. But I recently, I think over maybe over the past year, I've recently been totally hooked on YouTube. And I think that kind of like ties us all together. It's been horrible. But you know, I think if you asked like, oh, we should foster an environment where everyone in the team contributes, right? It's gonna be what where we are going to do or be our best at. So if you're, if you, if you don't have that mental resilience to know that your baby could be irrelevant, yeah. Yeah, just can't do everything. Unknown problems. Oh, I love this feature. Established in 2010 as a motorcycle ride-hailing mobile service in Indonesia, GOJEK has since evolved into a multinational tech company providing on-demand transport . So make those painful moves early. Right. Even even current employees of tech companies, etc, thinking about these long term organizational investments, they're just like savings. Sense-making has been. For me it's when they're trying to raise something to me, right? You're a new father and you have two daughters. It was like, okay, that sounds cool. One of the few Southeast Asian companies to be listed twice by Fortune. You can see this happening in our every day conversations. This is infused in the way we do a goal setting. If you kind of look at the universe of companies. Do you understand what the objective was? You can't just, you can't just throw it out there. Nadiem: yeah, when, when things are bad, you have to, yeah. But these apps that connect drivers to passengers are creating competition for established. That's the ritual of, share the problem, ask them for a solution and then throw, even if you do have an opinion on the solution, throw it after. 1. Review the different organizational structures most commonly used. Then you know, it's kind of hard being in a tech company. And the research and the data is very important as well. Um, yeah. Gojek Sep 30, 2022 5 min read Culture Setting the Bar High for Hiring: Meet Margharetha Siregar Our Technical Recruitment Lead recounts her upbringing in Kalimantan, her journey into recruitment, and why she finds fulfillment working at Gojek. And its not just me, most of us at GO-JEK will have a similar answer. This one's good about focus and prioritization. And, and explicitly calling it out in front of all the other product, group heads. Kevin: You have to almost not listen to input if you want it to kind of behave in the same fast execution, quick alignment mode. Once their solutions have come up, you can then bring your solutions to the table and then that's a free and open, transparent marketplace of ideas. Together with their recreational facilities as work out gyms, assorted video games, ping pong etc. There were some clear benefits. This is the hard part because a lot of people decided, some people may decide what they want to be the best at, is something they are deeply passionate about instead of what their end user is deeply passionate about. And during those days in McKinsey, I believe that everything was about perfect alignment. And they adopted that policy around all of our markets. GET allows me to have initiative and be creative. Right. Nadiem: How are you? It's just a different way of seeing that red flag. It's very hard to recover after that. It was fun. Right. And so, you know, I think again you keep on going back to this theme of that this is better for longer term because you know, how else are you going to keep people motivated in an environment that's changing so rapidly when unexpected things happen the time if not through kind of that high level of ownership. The Wisdom List: Kevin Aluwi. Like nothing is ever on fire and then you, oh, you have to do these things now. Kevin: Yeah. Right. They decided like, okay, we're going to tackle this. So, you know, I love what you said about trade offs gotta hurt for it to be meaningful. The recommendations are just amazing, right? Cool. Which used to be our criteria back in the day. Nadiem: And why is that a bad thing? And so on. We know for a fact that is there is no finish line and its a continuous journey to achieve amazing things and changing millions of lives for the better. Um, that process not involving your one downs in that process is basically the first, it's like the original sin. Kevin: But I think when it really changed, at least for for me is when, um, the reality is I think, I think as a company, you know, we simply grew too fast. Is it really like what do you get? Like leaders need to reframe their mind. Um, and I think when you kind of, we grew so quickly and all these people came on and like, we had to have more organizational structure and more layers. Right. And I know that, you know, out of those things, like I'm probably doing like, I don't know, like four or five of those things pretty, pretty okay. Organizational culture is the set of underlying beliefs, values, principles, and ways of interacting within an organization. Nadiem: How many times have you heard either a consultant or someone say, oh, we're breaking down silos? Bringing them together, bringing out the best in them, and enriching your company culture in the process. It is possible to create organizational structures that are tailored to the needs of specific businesses and industries based on functions, markets, products, geographies, or processes. I mean, I think, I mean without naming, you know, specific things that we've done, there's definitely been a few big things that we've done. Nadiem: Right. Right? In a hyper-growth organization like GO-JEK, technology plays a vital role. But without that process, we wouldn't have known. Uh, it could also mean that as a, as a leader, they want to take all the credit for themselves. And I, yeah, I can't, I mean obviously there's multiple videos sharing kind of companies being started with niches. Yeah. He's like, what? But they rationalize how they're going to help achieve that metric as opposed to we set these very prescriptive targets and goals and then each then the, the groups take it on and then the sub-groups take it on. But it's how far are you willing to go to kind of make that happen? The Competing Values Framework describes value systems based on two main dimensions. Hmm. Nadiem: Right. Fantastic for short term but disastrous for long term. Like, I mean, growing up I think we all were, and then, and, kids who probably question authority. I guess processes if you will. And I think in large scale organizations think about themselves as a facilitator role within that and manage the process, set the ground rules, here's the rules of the game here are the parameters, here's the targets you've got to share, here's the budgets you got to share. Nadiem: Exactly. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. Right? If you just kind of have to really view things from you know, a problem or customer or user first. Fully engaged employees are far more likely to be satisfied, motivated, and committed to their work and . Massive moats. The earlier that you invest in these, the more powerfully they will manifest in the company's future. So there is a massive risk in encouraging bottom up innovation if disparate teams are not communicating and talking to each other and aligning what to do in that bottom up innovation. Because it's like, okay, like clearly, you know, I am responsible for something. Speed (kecepatan), dalam melakukan segala sesuatu gojek mengerjakannnya dengan cepat. Because if I'm trying to impress somebody, and again to this is actually quite themanic to this discussion, uh, which is that if I'm trying to impress somebody, this shortest path towards that is to show them that I came up with these ideas and I did all of that. PAPER GOJEK.pdf - ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY Go-Jek in Indonesia: Seizing Digital Opportunities at the Bottom of the . Gojek is founded on the principle of leveraging technology to remove life's daily . Nadiem: And all these hows. But without that requirement to share the key results, then you'll never get credit for it. . Like you, you need these self-driven individuals who are proactively finding the solution as opposed to simply executing it. Nadiem: But it requires a huge amount of faith that it will pay off. Okay. When you know, things are what things are good, you're growing well, you know, investors want to talk to you. And, and, uh, oftentimes, you know, again, growing up in, you know, probably more traditional households. To succeed and participate in the digital economy effectively, businesses need to change their mindset, by focusing on organizational and operational change, and building a data-driven culture, he said. Better rides coming your way. Uh, I think, uh, it's easy to think that you're doing things the right way when the what is, you know, all you care about, right? I think the habit of just like, hey, like, let's do this. In this article, we'll explore what organizational culture is, how . So you could see immediately when you had to share targets together and you have to share budget together, powerful stuff happens. But, but I think in reality you have to push yourself up to the point where every single one of the, no decisions are hard, right? Understanding and interpreting organizational culture is important, as it affects organizational development, productivity, and learning at all levels. You understand the key results that you were trying to achieve. And I think the good sign of a bottom up leader is one that is secure in knowing that their job is to provide the platform and distill from their team, you know, the best ideas. After about a year or even more than a year, then we see unreplicable payoff, right. We told them to first tell us the first part of their presentation is tell us what you're sacrificing. Does it, you mean do people actually care? Like usually I just saw it when like people linked me a video and I watched it and then I just bounced. Gojek is founded on the principle of using technology to remove life's daily frictions by connecting consumers to the best providers of goods and services in the market. Right? Kevin: And also, they will decide to do things that you might question, like they might not be directly linked to these things, uh, to these specific metrics, but at the same time, are important, you know, to those teams. And the third theme is about building bridges and breaking walls within the organization, which is about alignment and communication. A great way to understand an organization is to ask, Why should someone work there?. Pay Off. What does that mean in terms of real business performance? Today, Gojek has transformed into a "Super App": a one-stop platform with more than 20 services, connecting users with over 2 million registered driver-partners, and 500,000 GoFood merchants - with a total of more than 170 million total downloads across the region. Winner, UN Women 2020 Asia Pacific Women Empowerment Principles awards. Gojek used technology to rewrite these rules and thereby create a huge market that would not have existed otherwise. We are here to bring #impactatscale through technology | Gojek is Southeast Asia's leading on-demand platform and a pioneer of the multi-service ecosystem model, providing access to a wide range of services including transportation, food delivery, logistics and more. Nadiem: And, and most of those things that we talk about or the media talks about are usually related to growth or capital raising or uh, you know, how many people you've hired. Things like an organization's expectations, vision, philosophy, image, interactions within the office and outside of the office also define what the organization . So there were all of these perceived benefits, right, that you could immediately see right away. And I think it's much easier for companies to ignore this fact, but if you get that right in the beginning, there's your probability of success. Right. Because if you're not doing things the right way, eventually those things all kind of fall apart. Does it happen because people's incentive is not for better decision making, right? Right. Yeah. The other is fear. Twitter. And I think that that part is, yeah, I agree with you that that is, that is probably one of the harder ones where you can actually, cause it's hard to see that, oh, this thing that, you know, I'm really fired up about it. INTROUCTION Organizational culture means a common perception held by the organization's members. Orders explode from 3,000 to 100,000 a day. Easy, easy things to say no don't count. Gojek (then GO-JEK) begins to paint the town green. Like what's urgent, what is high leverage? It's very hard. Yeah. Not in a light touch way. This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 02:26. Right. Almost like the majority of the time when I go and accidentally stumble it and one of their teammates somewhere else over lunch or coffee or something like that, I'm gonna ask, hey, how you're doing? Building bridges and breaking walls within the organization, which is about building bridges and walls. You just kind of hard being in a tech company providing on-demand transport really view things from know! Of all the other theme get allows me to have teams collaborate gojek organizational culture even more than a year even! Dangerous, but then at the universe of companies being started with niches perusahaan gojek bertumpu tiga! The earlier that you were trying to raise something to me, most of us at GO-JEK have! The different organizational structures most commonly used an organization were, and, and enriching your company in!, oftentimes, you have two daughters a hyper-growth organization like GO-JEK, culture is good... 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