A minors beliefs and convictions should be at the forefront of the best interests of the child standard, regardless of whether these beliefs are religious or not. If the expert testimony suggests that a parent has unduly influenced a minor child into refusing treatment, the states child welfare system would need to become involved if it were not involved already. There are many different kinds of ethical problems that Anna, as the designer baby, is the role she plays in her family, loyalty, illness, and medical ethics, and rights. Minors, however, are capable of rendering mature decisions without being religiously motivated. See supra note 42 and accompanying text. It's phrase that comes Genesis 4:9, Cain had just murdered his brother Abel out of a jealousy to be God's favourite. Ry. She becomes a girl who is constantly nervous and feels guilty. Why we resist accountability; look at 2. She wanted to find her sister because thats the only family she has. See Sharon Smith, The Medical Emancipation of Minors: A California History, 11 J. Contemp. In jurisdictions where the mature minor doctrine can be invoked in all medical decision-making, an analysis of the minors best interests includes a greater variety of criteria. Introduction My Sister's Keeper is a movie that explores the clinical and ethical issues of compelled organ donations. Is it morally correct to do whatever it takes to save a child's life, even if that means infringing upon the rights of another? After reading this novel, one should know that disaster can happen at any moment in life. Nicolas Boring, Belgium: Removal of Age Restriction for Euthanasia, Global Legal Monitor (Mar. Whereas the medical world is riddled with moral quandaries, organ donations and transplantation constitute two of the industry's most outstanding and complicated problems. Director Nick Cassavetes has coaxed amazing performances from his first-rate cast, including Diaz, who surprises with the strength of her rage and melancholy as a mother determined not to see her child die. But no matter where you land on the issue, one thing about watching My Sister's Keeper really stuck with me. Write two paragraphs that will each focus on a a different personal experience. Miss Helena S. Robinson, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Alexander P. Robinson, of Chestnut Hill, will be guest of honor at a dinner to be Blyen by Judge and Mrs. William Wllklns Carr, Pf UM Locust street "- ?Mr. Jodi Picoult received an AB in creative writing from Princeton and a master's degree in education from Harvard. In this biblical community of believers both universal and local, we show our accountability to God by being accountable to one another. Although the refusal of lifesaving treatment is a passive act, as opposed to an active request for euthanasia or assisted suicide,134 the same result would still be produced. As the Illinois Supreme Court pointed out, the age of majority is not an impenetrable barrier that magically precludes a minor from possessing and exercising certain rights normally associated with adulthood.137 Minors are not less aware than adults of intrusions into their bodies solely because of their age, and age should not preclude them from making decisions about their bodies. 76. Baird v. Atty Gen., 371 Mass. Answers: 1. Based in St. Paul, Minn., she also weighs in on various aspects of pop culture on her personal blog. Ann. That said, My Sister's Keeper is easily available to rent or purchase, and can be found on Google Play, YouTube, iTunes, Vudu, Redbox and many more. The right of a patient to refuse lifesaving medical treatment, which is often characterized as a patients right to die,98 has also been recognized as tangential to the right of bodily integrity. A minors right to bodily integrity is one that has been widely accepted and often explored in the context of the mistreatment in schools or juvenile detention centers.105 Still, courts have applied the right to protect minors from state intrusions in other contexts.106 In In re E.G., for example, the Illinois Supreme Court suggested that a minor may invoke the right in the context of refusing lifesaving treatment, as it saw no reason why [the] right of dominion over ones own person should not extend to mature minors.107 When it comes to a minors right to bodily integrity against parents, however, the rights are less definitive, primarily because the law presumes for multiple reasons that parents have the right to make medical decisions on behalf of their children.108, In the reproductive rights context, minors rights have been protected against parental interference. Movies. My Sister's Keeper was a drama film released in 2009, which touched numerous amounts of ethical issues that caused a dilemma between the family and their kids. Similar factors appear in other early cases that helped shape the mature minor doctrine. Starring: Cameron Diaz,Abigail Breslin,Alec Baldwin. 36. Anna has to deal with many different people accusing her of wrong doing to benefit herself or somebody else in letting somebody die. at 745. Anna's mother has a right to make medical decisions for her. She is the only hope for Kate to get better. 1, 3 (2016). "Most babies are accidents, not me. B.A. See Christyne L. Neff, Woman, Womb, and Bodily Integrity, 3 Yale J.L. 65. The publisher: Atria Books, 2003; paperback version, Washington Square Press, 2005 (Book 11) Like most teenagers, Anna is beginning to question who she truly is. Later in the story, it is revealed that is was Kates idea to not want Anna to donate anymore. After the procedure was successful and Anna ( Abigail Breslin) was born, the younger sister has served as the spare parts factory her older sister has needed along the way. The Movie: My Sister's Keeper, a New Line Cinema production, in theaters on June 26, 2009 and is rated PG-13. (2010). The minor must also show that the refusal is informed, which would involve a third-party determination of capacity to make such a decision, and that the decision is voluntary. My Sister's Keeper Review and Study Guide. Belgiums Parliament Votes Through Child Euthanasia, BBC News (Feb. 14, 2014), http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26181615. What are the social issues in the movie or book My Sister's Keeper? Menu. It seems, then, that the informed consent requirement of the mature minor doctrine is circular in its reasoning: A minor-patient must demonstrate that he or she is a mature minor by proving an ability to give informed consent but must demonstrate a certain level of maturity to prove capacity to make informed decisions about medical treatment. (quoting Schloendorff v. Socy of N.Y. This, however, does not affect their relationship with each other. Cain was jealous of Abel at how the Lord was pleased with his brother. Finally, think about Kate's desire to die and how she has influenced Anna into starting the lawsuit. Each paragraph must contain a topic sentence, on quote from the book, and an explanation connecting the two experiences. 106. (quoting In re Gardner, 534 A.2d at 953). The motivations of individual characters, the emotions that pull them one way or another, and the personal feelings that they inject into professional situations becomes achingly clear as we . The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court authoritatively introduced this list in In re Guardianship of Roe, 421 N.E.2d 40 (Mass. The moral lesson I learned in this movie is we have to face the reality and accept what could be the outcome, even though it's not what we wanted . Constance Johnson, Belgium: Euthanasia Option May Be Extended to Children, Global Legal Monitor (Dec. 17, 2013), http://www.loc.gov/law/foreign-news/article/belgium-euthanasia-option-may-be-extended-to-children. Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey,95 which interpreted its groundbreaking predecessor Roe v. Wade96 as a rule . a guardian who would consent to the blood transfusions and determined that E.G. The rule of sevens is a common law rule of capacity that states that under the age of seven, a minor lacks capacity; between the ages of seven and fourteen, there is a rebuttable presumption of no capacity; and between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, there exists a rebuttable presumption of capacity. of Soc. 137. 2d 548, 553 (Fla. Dist. 92, 93 (N.Y. 1914)). My Sister's Keeper : Law, Children, and Compelled Donation, 29 W. New Eng. 5. from Signum University. As with the human body, each part is fully dependent upon the other part to function optimally. Running Head: MY SISTER'S KEEPER: EXPLORATION OF ETHICAL ISSUES . It is important as a health care provider to make sure the patient keeps their autonomy while informing them about what the best options are even if it is against what they want. was a mature minor who was entitled to exercise her religion freely, and could therefore refuse the blood transfusions.50 The Illinois Supreme Court held that mature minors have the right to consent to and refuse medical treatment.51 The court declined to address the constitutional issue presented in the case,52 implying that, in Illinois at least, religious grounds are not the only circumstances under which a minor may refuse medical treatment. 705 N.E.2d 1155 (Mass. Meanwhile, the. Being dishonest with themselves and dishonest with their children is a conflict. Jodi Picoult's novel My Sister's Keeper explores several different moral issues. "My Sister's Keeper" is a movie where one child, Anna, is conceived solely so her older sister Kate can fight leukemia. A minor can prove that refusal is in his or her best interest by giving evidence of the terminality and incurability of the diagnosed illness, which must cause him or her great suffering. Anna is born specifically to be a match for her sister, although she doesn't find this out until she's older. By limiting the euthanasia laws to minors whose ailments are incurable, who are terminally ill, and who are in a state of unbearable physical suffering, Dutch and Belgian legislatures implicate a standard of the minors best interests. This muddied body of case law is what the Connecticut Supreme Court had to draw from when it decided In re Cassandra C.67 The petitioner, Cassandra, was sixteen years old when she was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma.68 Cassandra was removed from her mothers care and placed under an order of temporary custody following a series of missed appointments to begin her cancer treatment.69 Initially, Cassandra and her mother were skeptical of the diagnosis and sought a second opinion.70 Cassandras mother was openly hostile with the doctors and was specifically worried about chemotherapy treatment, which she viewed as poisoning her child.71 Cassandra also missed several appointments intended to evaluate the stage of her cancer,72 which alarmed Cassandras doctors, who expressed the importance of beginning Cassandras treatment as soon as possible to improve her prognosis and avoid the need to resort to radiation therapy, which has more harmful side effects than chemotherapy.73 Because of the mothers combativeness and observed unwillingness to have her treated, Cassandras doctors contacted the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF).74 An investigative social worker attempted to make contact with Cassandras mother, who at first did not return her phone calls, but then was openly hostile to the social worker when she made contact over the phone while insisting that Cassandras medical needs were being met.75 Because of the doctors continuous concern that Cassandra had not started her treatment, DCF filed a neglect petition against the mother for her failure to meet [Cassandras] medical needs and filed an ex parte order of temporary custody, which the court granted.76, Under the authority of the court, DCF removed Cassandra from her home and took her immediately to the emergency room, where Cassandra expressed her fears about waking up with tubes sticking out of her and about angering her mother.77 At the preliminary hearing on the order of temporary custody, the court appointed Cassandra a guardian ad litem to assist in evaluating Cassandras best interests and scheduled an evidentiary hearing.78 At the evidentiary hearing, her guardian ad litem testified that Cassandra had told him she was willing to undergo treatment only if she could return home.79 He further testified that Cassandra originally refused treatment because she had done her own research on the disease and needed time to absorb the information.80 Cassandra also testified at the evidentiary hearing, and told the court that her mother had wanted her to begin chemotherapy, but Cassandra resisted because of her fears surrounding its side effects.81 She promised the court, [I]f you let me go home today, I would start chemo tomorrow.82 Cassandra complied and went to her first two chemotherapy appointments, but when a social worker came to bring her to the hospital on the morning of her third appointment, Cassandra was missing.83 She returned home several days later and was brought for a medical evaluation the next day.84 She revealed that she had only agreed to start chemotherapy so that she could return home, and that, because she would soon turn eighteen, she would no longer be able to be forced to continue treatment.85, Cassandras behavior throughout the court proceedings persuaded the Connecticut Supreme Court that she was not a mature minor who was competent to make her own medical decisions.86 Although the mature minor doctrine had not been adopted in Connecticut jurisprudence, Cassandra attempted to use the doctrine to assert her right to choose her own course of medical treatment.87 The court agreed with the trial courts assessment that Cassandra was not a mature minor under any standard and therefore declined to decide whether to adopt the doctrine.88 Although Cassandra and her fellow respondents argued that the trial court improperly concluded that Cassandras lack of maturity was evidenced by her unwillingness to undergo treatment, the court characterized Cassandras argument as a claim that she had the right to refuse lifesaving treatment for any or no reason and that her assertion of this right could not be used against her when determining whether she was a mature minor.89 The court refused at that time to determine whether adults even had such a right, but nevertheless concluded that the law is clear that a seventeen year old does not have that right but, to the contrary, is presumed to be incompetent to [decide whether to refuse treatment], at least in the absence of proof of maturity.90. Connolly v. Bd. "My Sister's Keeper" is an immediate audience-grabber, as we learn that an 11-year-old girl was genetically designed as a source of spare parts for her dying 16-year-old sister. Abigail Breslin and Sofia Vassilieva received good reviews for their performances in the movie, and they replaced the originally cast, real-life siblings Dakota and Elle Fanning (The Neon Demon).Dakota Fanning was set to play Kate, but dropped out . In the end, when Sarah died, Kaye seemed like having had her mother in the hospice was the best way to have conducted their affairs. Kate, Anna's older sister has an aggressive type of, Hesitantly, Anna takes the stage and confess that she filed the lawsuit against her parents because her sister Kate told her to do so. Target Grade: 7th-12th Middle School and High School Length of Lesson Plan: Approximately 104 pages. Kate's leukemia (APL) has affected every single one of her family members in that way. 20 terms. I would want somebody to let me leaveto go in peace.63 The court failed to find a reason that the patients pre-comatose statements should be disregarded, determining that the patients age did not detract from the principle in Gardner64 that when an individual has clearly and convincingly in advance of his treatment expressed his decision not to be maintained by life-sustaining procedure in a persistent vegetative state, health care professionals must respect that decision.65 The Maine Supreme Court has noted that the mature minor doctrine has only been applied to this exceptional circumstance,66 suggesting that the doctrine may not be applicable in other areas involving medical decisions. The center of legal controversy emanates from Brian and Sara's decision to conceive a baby in order to save Kate, their leukemia-suffering daughter. First, we have the moral issue surrounding Anna's birth. She is a housemaid and a widow that is stuck on her own trying to heal many people. 4. tracyt. A designer baby, as they have come to be known, is a child genetically engineered in vitro for selected traits. [ ] . Kate does not speak in her point of view until the end so it is hard to connect with her, What literary devices are used in "My Sister's Keeper"? The woman cries: Someone kidnapped my baby! Throughout the movie, 926 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Better Essays from St. Children, however, are not merely an extension of their parents, and if the State is able to recognize that in certain contextssuch as in termination of parental rights proceedingsthen it should also apply in the context of medical decisions. eNotes Editorial, 4 Nov. 2021, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-moral-themes-are-present-in-my-sister-s-2936179. Massachusetts best interests standard is applicable to minors wishing to refuse certain medical treatments through In re Rena.26 Although the issue in the case was moot,27 the Massachusetts Appeals Court listed the factors to be considered when determining whether allowing the child to make certain medical decisions is in his or her best interests.28 The first two criteria focus on the minor-patients expressed preferences for the operation, as well as the patients religious convictions.29 The next factor considers the impact that the desired treatment would have on the patients family.30 The fourth and fifth criteria examine the probability of adverse side effects from the treatment and the minor-patients prognosis without treatment.31 Finally, the court determines the present and future incompetency of the patient in making that decision.32 The factors that focus on the minor-patient (i.e., expressed wishes, religious beliefs, and incompetency) must also be weighed against the maturity of the minor-patient to make an informed choice.33 Even though this standard seems more child-centered, parental preferences still invade the evaluation of a minors best interests. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Medical emancipation can be either general or limited according to the structure of the statute. After viewing the video, My Sister's Keeper (Johnson & Goldman [Producers], Cassavetes [Director], 2009), students explored the ethics of genetic selection, personal/professional values and the . References CMN4100. In moral terms, you should think about whether or not Anna's parents are taking advantage of their daughter. I remember in the first few months of grad school, I became friends with a group of women that I believe God sent to help carry me through the next two years. Is it ethical to create a child with specific genetic factors? Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper is a novel that explores the difficult topic of the terminal illness of a sixteen-year-old girl and the lengths her family goes through in order to preserve her life. But without hope of an afterlife spent with Jesus in heaven, struggling through a family member's terminal illness just becomes that much more hopeless without knowing the true Hope. The parent-child relationship is, of course, more complicated because the great paradox of childrens rights is that they are often contingent on, or entwined with, the rights of their parents. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits. 115. One of this novel's strengths is the way it skillfully demonstrates the subjectivity people bring to their interactions with others. 103. from St. Once the story segues into courtroom mode, the movie ultimately suffers and loses its poignant tone. Please explain the quote, "You don't love someone because they're perfect. "my sister's keeper"). Lawrence Schlam & Joseph P. Wood, Informed Consent to the Medical Treatment of Minors: Law and Practice, 10 Health Matrix 141, 148 (2000). With the 's ending, "sister's" is the singular possessive form. This approach seems inevitable, as evidenced by the requirements even in liberal jurisdictions that allow for the euthanasia of minors only when the minors illness is terminal, incurable, and causes suffering that cannot be alleviated. 135. She wants to have a say in how her body is being used, and she sues her parents for medical emancipation. 2004. This books main character is Anna and she is faced with many obstacles while she strives to save lives and keep herself healthy at the same time. 19. One of the ethical principles that can be found in the movie "My Sister's . Parl. "Moral value is value that must be separated with other values. You will need to think about the morality of Anna's parents specifically designing a baby to be a match for Kate. My Sister's Keeper Published by Admin at 19 , 2561 17. Anna sued her parents for the right to her own body, for Kate and for herself. Instances where moral values would be in conflict would be when the parents must ask themselves, does it make them bad parents to use one child to save another? It made me wonder, though, what would have happened if Kate had been healthy. And in yet another memorable cameo, Alec Baldwin injects a much-needed shot of comic relief as an attorney for Anna who decides to seek "medical emancipation" from her family. was a devout member of the Jehovahs Witnesses who wanted to refuse lifesaving blood transfusions meant to treat her acute nonlymphatic leukemia.48 The State of Illinois filed neglect petitions on behalf of E.G. These criteria may include a requirement, such as the one in the Netherlands, that minors under the age of sixteen have the approval of their parents to refuse the treatment. Jodi Picoults My Sisters Keeper is a novel that explores the difficult topic of the terminal illness of a sixteen-year-old girl and the lengths her family goes through in order to preserve her life. application of ethical theory will be explored in conjunction with the analysis of characters in My Sister's Keeper. The novel "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult explores the medical, legal, ethical and moral issues related to long term illness and discusses some of the bioethical issues around the experimental technique known as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Lesson 2 (sept 7,2021) Language Culture and society Eed Topic: First vs. Second Language. I think she was only intent on doing what had to be done to keep her family intact by preserving the life of Kate. I would not listen to them, and continue helping them get better. Jodi Picoult 's novel My Sister's Keeper explores several different moral issues. At this particular moment, Campbell suffered an epileptic. Belgian Senate Votes to Extend Euthanasia to Children, BBC News (Dec. 12, 2013), http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-25364745. The accident was very traumatizing to Anna since she was awake during the entire accident, and that is why she becomes very nervous and scared all the time, and develops PTSD. While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. The minors physician should also weigh in on this evaluation because the physician will likely have had ample interactions with both minor-patient and parent, and he or she will have insight based on observations of the relationship. Sure, the time-honored truth about the frailty of life certainly springs to mind. She felt like she was responsible for Annas pain because as portrayed in the movie, Kate felt like she let her parents hurt her sister. Statutes that grant minors certain rights to consent to medical treatment are sometimes called medical emancipation statutes. In Kates case, I feel the knowledge that Anna was conceived to save Kate did make Kate feel guilty. Sara and Brian are always prepared to rush to the . Ethical principles that can be found in the movie ultimately suffers and loses its tone.: //www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-25364745 minors: a California History, 11 J. Contemp out until she older! Abigail Breslin, Alec Baldwin different moral issues and ethical issues sept 7,2021 ) Language culture and society Eed:. Each other life certainly springs to mind parents are taking advantage of their daughter not listen them... 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