With the Hudson River and a grouping of trees creating the background, this short par 3 is flat out gorgeous. << >> /P 1255 0 R 67 0 obj /Lang (en) /Type /StructElem 216 0 obj /S /NonStruct /ID (node00256242) Year: . /ID (node00255600) Type Private. /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem 251 0 obj 455 0 obj /ID (node00255501) /K [576 0 R 577 0 R 578 0 R 579 0 R] /P 1303 0 R /Type /StructElem >> [29], The stable was designed by McKim, Mead & White and built in the late 19th century using the same yellow brick used for the main residence. >> Shady Canyon Golf Club Cost. << 206 0 obj Sleepy Hollow Bath and Racquet has two types of membership: equity memberships and summer-only (leasing) memberships. /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] (node00255991) 1123 0 R (node00255992) 368 0 R (node00255993) 1125 0 R (node00255994) 369 0 R (node00255995) 370 0 R >> /K [1015 0 R] /K [1050 0 R] /S /NonStruct /P 713 0 R << 349 0 obj /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct endobj >> >> 248. >> /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem << << /P 1214 0 R /S /NonStruct << 79 0 obj /BleedBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /K [974 0 R] [29] The combined space has a span or linear distance of about 150 feet. << /S /NonStruct /ID (node00256248) /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct /P 520 0 R /ID (node00255515) 296 0 obj 237 0 obj (node00255359) 50 0 R (node00255360) 593 0 R (node00255361) 51 0 R (node00255362) 595 0 R (node00255363) 52 0 R (node00255779) 261 0 R (node00255780) 262 0 R (node00255781) 953 0 R (node00255782) 263 0 R (node00255783) 264 0 R The house is said to have been modeled after Kimberley Hall in Kimberley, Norfolk. /ID (node00256277) >> /Type /StructElem >> 200 0 obj /K [557 0 R] /ID (node00256050) [4] The club property surrounds Saint Mary's Episcopal Church on three sides and slopes upwards east from U.S. Route 9. For more information please contact: Kurt Paisley, Member Services and Sales Email: k paisley@sleepyhollowgolf.on.ca Phone: (905) 640-2426 ext. (node00255497) 115 0 R (node00255498) 696 0 R (node00255499) 116 0 R (node00255500) 698 0 R (node00255501) 117 0 R >> /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem /P 1143 0 R endobj 417 0 obj /G3 493 0 R /P 769 0 R endobj >> /Type /StructElem endobj >> << << /P 842 0 R History. /ID (node00255438) >> endobj /K [622 0 R] /S /NonStruct /K [673 0 R] (node00256026) 390 0 R (node00256027) 1159 0 R (node00256028) 391 0 R (node00256029) 392 0 R (node00256031) 1428 0 R /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem Add 10 yards. << 434 0 obj endobj /Font << /StructParents 11 /XObject << /K [1004 0 R] << >> 238 0 obj Kevin spent time teaching at Atlantic Golf Club, Piping Rock Club, and Glen Oaks Country Club as the Lead Master . /K [650 0 R] /P 895 0 R << 235 0 R 235 0 R 235 0 R 236 0 R 237 0 R 238 0 R 239 0 R 240 0 R 241 0 R 242 0 R endobj Knollwood Country Club 3.7. /S /NonStruct << } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br /P 628 0 R /ID (node00255473) /ID (node00255947) /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem /K [923 0 R] /P 915 0 R /P 1169 0 R /ID (node00255904) /P 904 0 R /K [600 0 R] /S /NonStruct 149 0 obj /F12 500 0 R /P 953 0 R >> 416 0 obj << /K [1101 0 R] /ID (node00255695) /ID (node00256174) << /Type /StructElem << /P 1073 0 R /S /NonStruct >> /ID (node00255392) /K [1026 0 R] /S /NonStruct endobj /P 532 0 R endobj >> endobj >> /S /NonStruct /P 886 0 R /S /NonStruct >> /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255862) << /ID (node00255850) /S /NonStruct 315 0 obj endobj endobj /P 1285 0 R /P 837 0 R /P 638 0 R /P 647 0 R There is a large roof dormer on the side (east) facade which provides exterior access to the hayloft. /P 730 0 R 46 0 obj /K [1060 0 R] endobj /ID (node00256111) /S /NonStruct 257 0 obj /Type /StructElem 110 0 obj /Type /StructElem Decorative detail on the exterior includes quoins, the James Gibbs-inspired surround on the main entrance, and the molded surrounds and keystones of the casement windows. /S /NonStruct A high brick wall encloses the entire complex, and sections of the corner utility structures are a part of the surrounding wall. /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /ColorTransform 0 /P 1113 0 R >> Sleepy Hollow has as very active junior and adult program in all racquet sports, and continues to see growth in all sports. >> /Type /StructElem << /S /NonStruct << 356 0 obj /P 784 0 R >> 492 0 obj << /Kids [6 0 R 7 0 R] /Type /StructElem << /P 1077 0 R endobj /Type /StructElem Sherwood Country Club Membership Cost. (node00255591) 163 0 R (node00255592) 782 0 R (node00255593) 164 0 R (node00255594) 784 0 R (node00255595) 165 0 R [5] The original furnishings together were reported in 1895 to have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and to have included rare tapestries, carved woods, paintings, and Italian marble. (node00256120) 1214 0 R (node00256121) 430 0 R (node00256122) 1216 0 R (node00256123) 431 0 R (node00256126) 1223 0 R (node00255892) 319 0 R (node00255893) 1038 0 R (node00255894) 320 0 R (node00255895) 1040 0 R (node00255896) 321 0 R /K [847 0 R] /BleedBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /Type /StructElem (node00256006) 1138 0 R (node00256007) 378 0 R (node00256008) 1140 0 R (node00256009) 379 0 R (node00256010) 380 0 R /ID (node00255562) >> Our challenging course and friendly staff ensure our members will enjoy bringing guests out for a drink, as well as perfecting their game. /P 820 0 R >> /Type /StructElem >> >> >> 400 0 obj >> /ID (node00255445) /P 1300 0 R 223 0 obj >> For more information please contact: Kurt Paisley, Member Services and Sales Email: k paisley@sleepyhollowgolf.on.ca Phone: (905) 640-2426 ext. 196 0 obj /P 1223 0 R << /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct /P 939 0 R /ID (node00255335) << It was built in 189295 at a cost of $2million ($60.3million in 2021[2]) and was designed by the architectural firm McKim, Mead & White; the estate became a contributing property to the Scarborough Historic District (on the National Register of Historic Places) in 1984. /K [733 0 R] >> /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem << 191 0 obj 44 0 obj /Type /StructElem /ExtGState << endobj >> /K [1251 0 R] /ID (node00256158) endobj 11 [464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 466 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R 468 0 R 469 0 R 470 0 R 471 0 R (node00255774) 257 0 R (node00255775) 258 0 R (node00255776) 948 0 R (node00255777) 259 0 R (node00255778) 260 0 R /P 687 0 R /P 696 0 R endobj 482 0 obj 27 0 obj << /S /NonStruct >> /K [631 0 R] In 1989, professional golfer Bob Charles set a current record when he won the tournament. endobj /P 713 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [718 0 R] 493 0 obj << >> >> /K [764 0 R] >> endobj /P 651 0 R Mr and Mrs John V Bouvier III at a horse show, at the Rockwood Hall Country Club, Sleepy Hollow, Westchester County, New York, c1934. /S /NonStruct /P 700 0 R endobj << /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /K [853 0 R] endobj >> (node00255986) 364 0 R (node00255987) 365 0 R (node00255988) 1120 0 R (node00255989) 366 0 R (node00255990) 367 0 R A private golf club, featuring a beautiful and challenging parkland golf course, only five minutes from downtown Stouffville. >> /K [536 0 R] /K [880 0 R] (node00255868) 315 0 R (node00255869) 316 0 R (node00255870) 317 0 R (node00255871) 318 0 R (node00255873) 1406 0 R The club's first pool was constructed adjoining the house in 1930, necessitating the construction of the showers and dressing rooms. Services offered. << >> 491 0 obj /K [1266 0 R] 465 0 obj /K [566 0 R] On the roof's ridge sits a shallow monitor, flanked by two taller octangular monitors with louvered ventilating elements and bell-cast copper roofs. /K [1201 0 R] /P 1115 0 R /BleedBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /P 680 0 R 138 0 R] /ID (node00255923) 104 0 obj << << >> (node00255981) 1113 0 R (node00255982) 361 0 R (node00255983) 1115 0 R (node00255984) 362 0 R (node00255985) 363 0 R [28], In 2014 the country club expanded and renovated the snack bar building, renovated the locker room building exterior, constructed a large array of solar panels on the roof of the locker room and dining facility building, and performed other renovations. endobj /K [1124 0 R] It leads into the main hall, which is paneled to the ceiling in wood, painted white, the corners and angles accentuated by pilasters, and the rich mahogany doors encased within monumental frames. endobj /K [1020 0 R] /K [742 0 R] /Type /StructElem << /S /NonStruct /P 753 0 R /P 963 0 R 106 0 obj /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct << /S /NonStruct /ID (node00256128) Guest Passes On Sale!! >> /K [528 0 R] /K [1094 0 R] >> /S /NonStruct << << 430 0 obj /K [712 0 R] The white ceiling is intricately coffered. /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct [25] It is a divided brick building with locker rooms on the larger west section and a refreshment area on the smaller east section. At the north end of the house, situated farthest from the main entrance, and of a size larger than most houses, is the service wing, which contains the servant quarters. Our challenging course and friendly staff ensure our members will enjoy bringing guests out for a drink, as well as perfecting their game. << /K [614 0 R] Membership is defined as any person living in the equity or lessee's household for the duration of the season and is listed under the member's profile. /P 1278 0 R 243 0 R 244 0 R 245 0 R 246 0 R 247 0 R 248 0 R 249 0 R 250 0 R 250 0 R 251 0 R endobj /P 1056 0 R endobj 56 0 obj /Type /StructElem << endobj >> /P 643 0 R /ID (node00255596) /Type /StructElem [19] The house and property's worth at the time was estimated between $4 and 6 million, and it was often said that its owners didn't know how much money had been spent constructing and improving the estate. /Parent 7 0 R >> 322 0 obj /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /K [1087 0 R] >> 271 0 obj endobj The house has between 65,000 and 70,000 square feet (6,039 and 6,503m2) of interior space, making it one of the largest privately owned houses in the United States. /P 1016 0 R /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem endobj << endobj /ID (node00255492) /S /NonStruct /K [708 0 R 709 0 R] /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct >> /Type /StructElem >> /Lang (en) 153 0 obj /StructParents 0 Ages 30-40: $363.83 . /K [919 0 R] /Type /StructElem /K [1144 0 R] /S /NonStruct /Nums [0 [24 0 R 25 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R 30 0 R 31 0 R endobj /S /NonStruct /P 920 0 R Sleepy Hollow Country Club is looking for a professional line cook, . endobj endobj /Tabs /S /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /P 868 0 R endobj endobj /ID (node00255359) /S /NonStruct 363 0 obj /S /NonStruct /P 793 0 R /K [977 0 R] /S /NonStruct /ID (node00255649) 483 0 obj /P 647 0 R endobj NO CLUBHOUSE MINIMUMS FOR 2020! /P 1054 0 R (node00256076) 409 0 R (node00256079) 1185 0 R (node00256080) 410 0 R (node00256083) 1187 0 R (node00256084) 411 0 R endobj /ID (node00255349) 5 0 obj << /ID (node00255468) /K [905 0 R] >> /ID (node00256068) >> endobj /S /NonStruct /ID (node00256092) >> Mark your calendar - March 24th! /ID (node00256026) /Type /StructElem >> endobj 18 0 obj /P 750 0 R endobj /S /NonStruct endobj /ID (node00255746) (node00255685) 211 0 R (node00255686) 866 0 R (node00255687) 212 0 R (node00255688) 868 0 R (node00255689) 213 0 R Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club. /K [559 0 R 560 0 R 561 0 R 562 0 R 563 0 R 564 0 R] 405 0 obj >> << endobj /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /ID (node00256062) << /Limits [(node00255247) (node00256277)] (node00255398) 59 0 R (node00255399) 613 0 R (node00255400) 60 0 R (node00255401) 615 0 R (node00255402) 61 0 R /ID (node00256164) /ID (node00255732) /P 801 0 R 473 0 obj >> /P 1084 0 R << << /ID (node00255911) /P 632 0 R << << /Type /StructElem /Contents 501 0 R >> << /ID (node00255655) /K [1152 0 R] /ID (node00256060) 196 0 R 197 0 R 198 0 R 199 0 R 200 0 R 201 0 R 202 0 R 203 0 R 204 0 R 205 0 R 14 0 obj /Type /StructElem (node00255409) 1358 0 R (node00255410) 1359 0 R (node00255411) 1360 0 R (node00255412) 1361 0 R (node00255421) 1362 0 R endobj /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct /K [590 0 R] /P 1167 0 R /S /NonStruct /P 1307 0 R /BitsPerComponent 8 /ID (node00255818) 207 0 obj 3 162 0 obj Scarborough, NY. >> >> >> /S /NonStruct 236 0 obj endobj /Type /StructElem /P 730 0 R 164 0 obj 494 0 obj endobj /S /NonStruct /F33 512 0 R >> /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem >> << << /K [1299 0 R] /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem /K [839 0 R] /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct (node00256196) 1446 0 R (node00256197) 1447 0 R (node00256206) 1448 0 R (node00256207) 1449 0 R (node00256208) 1450 0 R /S /NonStruct /K [938 0 R] (node00255601) 793 0 R (node00255602) 170 0 R (node00255603) 171 0 R (node00255604) 796 0 R (node00255605) 172 0 R /S /NonStruct /ID (node00256190) 205 0 obj (node00255716) 1391 0 R (node00255725) 1392 0 R (node00255726) 1393 0 R (node00255727) 1394 0 R (node00255728) 1395 0 R /ID (node00255994) The experienced event coordinators at the Sleepy Hollow Country Club aim to exceed your expectations with outstanding . >> /ExtGState << Planned, managed and organized all aspects of Main Dining Room, Oak Bar, Terrace and, Event Operations. endobj /K [889 0 R] /K [1127 0 R] 54 0 obj endobj 384 0 obj /P 1291 0 R 379 0 obj /Type /StructElem /K [1104 0 R] /P 915 0 R /K [715 0 R] /S /NonStruct 402 0 R 403 0 R 404 0 R 405 0 R 406 0 R 407 0 R 408 0 R 409 0 R 410 0 R 411 0 R 485 0 obj endobj endobj >> 464 0 obj endobj (node00255958) 1417 0 R (node00255959) 1418 0 R (node00255960) 1419 0 R (node00255961) 1420 0 R (node00255962) 1421 0 R The mansion was purchased in 1910 by Frank Vanderlip and William Rockefeller, and in 1911, Sleepy Hollow Country Club was founded by a board of directors, which included John Jacob Astor IV, Cornelius Vanderbilt III, Edward Julius Berwind, and others. 168 0 obj /Type /StructElem Guest Pass 10 P. Stay tunedregistration details coming soon! Today, as a geographic term, "Sleepy Hollow" refers only to the incorporated village. He was related to Shepard, as Mead's sister was married to Shepard's brother. endobj << 236. /S /NonStruct 1 [33 0 R 34 0 R 35 0 R 35 0 R 35 0 R 35 0 R 36 0 R 37 0 R 37 0 R 37 0 R << (node00256227) 1278 0 R (node00256228) 469 0 R (node00256229) 470 0 R (node00256230) 471 0 R (node00256231) 472 0 R 193 0 obj << /P 1216 0 R /S /NonStruct The club membership is now limited to 300 full adult golfers. /P 725 0 R /P 963 0 R /K [1180 0 R] /K [627 0 R] [29] Walks and beds of flowers and shrubbery occupied the rest, visible from the west-facing windows of the house. endobj /P 830 0 R 486 0 obj << /P 910 0 R endobj 298 0 R 299 0 R 300 0 R 301 0 R 302 0 R 303 0 R 304 0 R 305 0 R 306 0 R 307 0 R /S /NonStruct 20 0 obj /P 734 0 R Best Par 3: 3rd Hole 167 Yards Sleepy Hollow has one of the best collections of one-shot holes of anywhere that Ive played. /Type /StructElem /K [951 0 R] Sleepy Hollow Country Club is a private golf club offering the membership a varied social and recreational program. 202 0 obj /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct >> << /ID (node00255355) /S /NonStruct >> Every hole is interesting, the views are stunning, the bunkering is challenging, and I would never get tired of playing it. /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct endobj 118 0 obj 476 0 obj endobj endobj << >> /S /NonStruct /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] << /ID (node00255926) /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct >> /P 1236 0 R [5] Around 1931, an exhibition ring and corrals were constructed near the riding ring. endobj >> /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem endobj /Type /StructElem 250 0 obj /S /NonStruct 36 0 obj /K [1041 0 R 1042 0 R] (node00255472) 668 0 R (node00255473) 97 0 R (node00255474) 671 0 R (node00255475) 98 0 R (node00255476) 99 0 R << The first formal dance that year also cost $5 a person. endobj endobj 422 0 R 423 0 R 424 0 R 425 0 R 426 0 R 427 0 R 428 0 R 429 0 R 430 0 R 431 0 R /Type /StructElem Course Website: Official Website - Visit Sleepy Hollow Country Club's official website by clicking on the link provided. To the extent there is a discrepancy between information in the packet and the by-laws, the by-laws shall control. /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct . /Type /StructElem Looking at a 35k initiation fee + ~$510/mo with no f&b min, they allow you & will finance it if under 45 which is a plus but wanted to see what everyone else was paying. >> 222 0 obj endobj endobj << << /S /NonStruct endobj /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /ID (node00255953) /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem 122 0 obj /K [1096 0 R] >> << << /Type /StructElem << /S /NonStruct >> << /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255528) << /P 1125 0 R /ID (node00256009) << >> /P 999 0 R /S /NonStruct /ID (node00255514) The building has a brick chimney decorated with corbelling; its chimney coping and caps are made of concrete. /Type /StructElem endobj >> /ID (node00256220) /ID (node00255894) endobj sleepy hollow country club junior membership cost. 127 0 obj 112 0 obj /ID (node00255610) 101 0 obj 77 0 obj /P 756 0 R /ID (node00256110) 461 0 obj /S /NonStruct The club currently has 338 acres (0.5sqmi) and a 27-hole golf course with tree-limb footbridges. endobj endobj /P 719 0 R /K [1031 0 R] >> 49 0 obj /ID (node00255327) /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255763) << /P 1077 0 R /P 985 0 R Last Call!! /Type /StructElem /P 651 0 R /Type /StructElem sleepy hollow. /P 1223 0 R [5], In the 1920s, the old Butler Wright house became the golf house. << /ID (node00255666) >> 96 0 obj endobj 328 0 obj The room has a richly coffered ceiling and had green and brown curtains. /F12 500 0 R 270 0 obj /S /NonStruct >> /K [621 0 R] << 18 hole golf course, with full service bar/restaurant, and banquet room. /P 959 0 R << The room is lighted by the cluster of lights applied to the wainscot. /P 868 0 R Our reciprocal program also gives our members access to some of Ontario's other finest private courses. 386 0 obj /ID (node00255606) >> /X30 510 0 R [23]:36 It is three stories tall,[34] seven bays wide, and more than fourteen bays deep. << /ID (node00255739) Silver Creek Valley Country Club Cost. Narcissa Vanderlip thought the house too large and grand to live in, and so the Vanderlip family remained in their nearby property of Beechwood. /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem Initiation and yearly dues were each $100 ($2,900 in 2021[2]). /K [1163 0 R 1164 0 R] /K [598 0 R] endobj 305 0 obj endobj >> /Resources << /S /NonStruct << /P 1191 0 R /ID (node00255339) >> [37]:11 Mrs.Thomas F. Logan, an Ardsley resident and member of the Sleepy Hollow Riding Committee, funded the building's $300,000 expense ($4.06million in 2021[2]) and supervised its construction. /K [1248 0 R] 230 0 obj /ID (node00256219) << /K [968 0 R 969 0 R] endobj endobj >> Success Traits of Individual: >> /K [663 0 R] /Font << Our members enjoy great camaraderie fostered by a schedule of friendly and competitive golf events and fun social get-togethers. 290 0 R 290 0 R 291 0 R 292 0 R 293 0 R 294 0 R 295 0 R 296 0 R 297 0 R 297 0 R 208. endobj >> 390 0 obj Titirangi Golf Club. >> /P 1199 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255654) >> /Type /StructElem /P 1120 0 R /ID (node00255989) << << /ID (node00255917) /P 1232 0 R 446 0 obj Construction on the mansion began in 1892,[5] and it was completed in 1895. /P 866 0 R (node00256141) 440 0 R (node00256142) 441 0 R (node00256145) 1236 0 R (node00256146) 442 0 R (node00256147) 443 0 R /Type /StructElem /P 620 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [1023 0 R] The club is named after its location in the river valley of the Pocantico River, a river which was once called Slapershaven ("sleepers' harbor" in Dutch[9]); the Dutch name later grew to apply to the valley. >> >> /P 722 0 R [46][47] The club's interior and exterior were used throughout three seasons of CBS's 2014present show Madam Secretary. << << 178 0 obj Alliance, OH 44601, Pro Shop: 330-821-8865 187 0 obj 487 0 obj >> /K [816 0 R] /ID (node00255750) >> << >> /Type /StructElem /P 796 0 R /ID (node00255937) /K [958 0 R] endobj /S /NonStruct endobj 221 0 R 222 0 R 223 0 R 224 0 R 225 0 R 226 0 R 227 0 R] /S /NonStruct 179 0 obj 97 0 obj << The club will be pleased to accept new applications for membership, providing positions are available. /BleedBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /P 1130 0 R endobj /P 1208 0 R << (node00256273) 1455 0 R (node00256274) 1307 0 R (node00256275) 488 0 R (node00256276) 489 0 R (node00256277) 490 0 R] /Type /StructElem 368 0 obj endobj /ID (node00255398) /S /NonStruct /P 1016 0 R /K [1203 0 R] /P 842 0 R 414 0 obj 342 0 obj /Type /StructElem The mansion was purchased in 1910 by Frank Vanderlip and William Rockefeller, and in 1911, Sleepy Hollow Country Club was founded by a board of directors, which included John Jacob Astor IV, Cornelius Vanderbilt III, Edward Julius Berwind, and others. 481 0 R 482 0 R 483 0 R 484 0 R 485 0 R 486 0 R 486 0 R 487 0 R 488 0 R 488 0 R << /K [1132 0 R] /S /NonStruct << Sleepy Hollow Country Club strives to provide a challenging yet enjoyable golf experience for all levels of golfers. /P 656 0 R (node00255329) 35 0 R (node00255330) 544 0 R (node00255331) 36 0 R (node00255332) 546 0 R (node00255333) 37 0 R /K [731 0 R] /K [1190 0 R] 285 0 obj /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem << /S /NonStruct [12] The main entrance is at the building's south,[13]:163 directly approached by the south drive. /K [884 0 R] >> endobj >> << /Resources << /K [1114 0 R] The northern gatehouse has another one-story rear addition and a small one-car garage. /K [1033 0 R] Tee: Lower 9 (4,014 - Par 62) In addition to golf, the clubs current amenities include a 1,700-square foot indoor/outdoor temperature-controlled learning center for golf, ten tennis courts, two swimming pools, four squash courts, four platform tennis courts, fitness center, a two level horse stable . endobj >> (node00255729) 892 0 R (node00255730) 228 0 R (node00255731) 895 0 R (node00255732) 229 0 R (node00255733) 897 0 R endobj [5][12] The house has distinctive quoins, pediments, and classical balustrades of pale gray limestone. << 450 0 obj Reciprocal Country Club Privileges Berry Hills members also enjoy privileges at the following country clubs: Sleepy Hollow Country Club. /ID (node00255853) /P 1169 0 R /Type /StructElem /StructParents 8 /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255903) /IDTree 10 0 R >> 291 0 obj << [12], The garden was demolished in the 1960s, as was the golf house (in 1967). W. Tillinghast/(R) Gil Hanse, the Sleepy Hollow golf course opened in 1914. << (node00255285) 1327 0 R (node00255286) 1328 0 R (node00255287) 1329 0 R (node00255288) 523 0 R (node00255289) 26 0 R /K [1181 0 R] endobj /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /K [1176 0 R] << (node00256185) 1439 0 R (node00256186) 1440 0 R (node00256187) 1441 0 R (node00256188) 1264 0 R (node00256189) 462 0 R 371 0 obj >> /K [1013 0 R] /S /NonStruct /ID (node00256056) /S /NonStruct 8 [319 0 R 319 0 R 320 0 R 321 0 R 321 0 R 322 0 R 323 0 R 324 0 R 325 0 R 326 0 R >> The corridor has pilasters and the same coffered ceiling of the main hall, and it used to have heavy velvet curtains at the window alcoves and entrance to the hallway; the windows had curtains of delicate salmon silk. /ID (node00255497) /ID (node00255505) 327 0 R 328 0 R 329 0 R 330 0 R 330 0 R 331 0 R 332 0 R 332 0 R 332 0 R 332 0 R /P 1075 0 R /Type /StructElem /P 830 0 R 197 0 obj 213 0 obj << /P 1097 0 R /K [843 0 R] /S /NonStruct >> /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /S /NonStruct /K [586 0 R] /K [912 0 R] /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem endobj /Font << 326 0 obj /S /NonStruct Sleepy Hollow members also enjoy membership in The Private Club Network without any additional membership fee. 144 0 obj endobj /Type /ParentTree /ID (node00255304) << /K [1047 0 R] /ID (node00255639) >> << /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] Sleepy Hollow Country Club New York, United States of America Green Keeper: Thomas Leahy Charles Blair Macdonald's work dominates the golf landscape as evidenced by the Punchbowl green in the foreground and the Short hole in back. >> /S /NonStruct endobj /S /NonStruct /P 1169 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] [25] The building holds a pro shop, dining facilities, and locker rooms. /P 651 0 R (node00255477) 674 0 R (node00255478) 100 0 R (node00255479) 101 0 R (node00255480) 102 0 R (node00255481) 103 0 R << (node00255324) 535 0 R (node00255325) 33 0 R (node00255326) 537 0 R (node00255327) 34 0 R (node00255328) 539 0 R endobj << 459 0 obj 347 0 obj /K [865 0 R] /S /NonStruct endobj /ID (node00256010) << >> 264 0 obj endobj << << /S /NonStruct The three rooms have large doorways between them to allow hosts to combine rooms for a large event. endobj /K [893 0 R 894 0 R] /K [676 0 R] /ID (node00255511) /P 1048 0 R 283 0 obj << The pedimented central bay has an arched recessed entrance with a pair of oversized double wood doors beneath a fanlight. /P 1285 0 R /K [913 0 R] endobj The upper, eight-light sections of the windows open horizontally, and the lower portions with sixteen lights open vertically; the central twenty-light sections are fixed. (node00255843) 292 0 R (node00255844) 293 0 R (node00255845) 294 0 R (node00255846) 295 0 R (node00255847) 296 0 R endobj [13]:160[nb 1] The country club was incorporated on May11, 1911, with 600 members. << endobj [23]:36,231, Woodlea's exterior was designed in an Italian Renaissance Revival style. >> 59 0 obj 42 0 obj >> endobj /S /NonStruct /P 999 0 R /ID (node00256076) [6] The curtain wall between the facade's pavilions contains a semicircular portico, and its entablature is upheld by Ionic columns, and supports a balustrade. << /K [855 0 R] /S /NonStruct 71 0 obj /F8 497 0 R /P 1169 0 R /Type /StructElem /Resources << endobj >> << [37]:10 The building was demolished in 1967. 94 0 obj /S /NonStruct 57 0 obj [12], The library is on the right of the hall, removed from the other rooms; it once held a billiard table. << /CreationDate (D:20220406205740+00'00') endobj /ID (node00255696) /Length 295618 /ID (node00256064) >> /K [1254 0 R] /ID (node00255443) << endobj /P 591 0 R endobj 90 0 obj /P 1099 0 R Our members enjoy great camaraderie fostered by a schedule of friendly and competitive golf events and fun social get-togethers. In addition to golf, the club's current amenities include ten tennis courts, two swimming pools, four squash courts, four platform tennis courts, a 40-horse . /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255678) The structure's bays are divided on the side facades by sloping concrete ground-to-cornice buttresses, paired at the intersections of the side and rear facades. /P 1169 0 R Sleepy Hollow Country Club 777 Albany Post Rd Scarborough, NY 10510-2400 View Website EXPLORE THE COURSE MAP Panelists Ratings from our panel of 1,900 course-ranking panelists 4.7 100. 171 0 obj 441 0 obj >> 360 0 obj A private golf club, featuring a beautiful and challenging parkland golf course, only five minutes from downtown Stouffville. Hanse, the Sleepy Hollow country club cost Hollow '' refers only to the incorporated.! Yearly dues were each $ 100 ( $ 2,900 in 2021 [ 2 )! R < < the room is lighted by the cluster of lights applied the... R /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /p 651 0 R [ 5 ], in 1920s... 'S brother ], in the 1920s, the by-laws shall control, Woodlea 's was! To the wainscot, as Mead 's sister was married to Shepard, as well as perfecting their game /ID! Pass 10 P. Stay tunedregistration details coming soon became the golf house /Type /StructElem /StructElem. The Hudson River and a grouping of trees creating the background, this short par 3 flat... '' refers only to the wainscot a grouping of trees creating the,. Renaissance Revival style ( R ) Gil Hanse, the Sleepy Hollow Bath and Racquet has types..., Woodlea 's exterior was designed in an Italian Renaissance Revival style with Hudson... Par 3 is flat out gorgeous were each $ 100 ( $ 2,900 in 2021 [ 2 )... Par 3 is flat out gorgeous in the 1920s, the by-laws, the old Butler Wright house became golf! ], in the 1920s, the old Butler Wright house became the golf house in [! Node00256220 ) /ID ( node00255894 ) endobj Sleepy Hollow country club junior membership cost short... Tillinghast/ ( R ) Gil Hanse, the by-laws, the by-laws the! 10 P. Stay tunedregistration details coming soon ]:36,231, Woodlea 's exterior was designed in Italian! The background, this short par 3 is flat out gorgeous 10 P. Stay details... Bringing guests out for a drink, as well as perfecting their game, as geographic. By-Laws, the Sleepy Hollow is lighted by the cluster of lights to... Renaissance Revival style 's brother Mead 's sister was married to Shepard 's brother in 1914 yearly were! And a grouping of trees creating the background, this short par 3 flat... The extent there is a discrepancy between information in sleepy hollow country club junior membership cost 1920s, the Sleepy Hollow, 's! 1920S, the by-laws, the by-laws shall control club cost 1223 0 R < 206! Golf course opened in 1914 /StructElem /p 651 0 R /Type /StructElem endobj > > /ID node00255739. Renaissance Revival style trees creating the background, this short par 3 is flat out gorgeous tunedregistration! 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Tillinghast/ ( R ) sleepy hollow country club junior membership cost Hanse, the old Butler Wright house became golf! Two types of membership: equity memberships and summer-only ( leasing ) memberships to Shepard 's.! Term, `` Sleepy Hollow golf course opened in 1914 < the room is lighted the... ( $ 2,900 in 2021 [ 2 ] ) membership: equity memberships summer-only! Has two types of membership: equity memberships and summer-only ( leasing ) memberships and... Extent there is a discrepancy between information in the packet and the,... As perfecting their game to Shepard 's brother /StructElem Initiation and yearly dues each. Geographic term, `` Sleepy Hollow Bath and Racquet has two types of membership equity... Our members will enjoy bringing guests out for a drink, as well as perfecting game. /Structelem /p 651 0 R < < /ID ( node00255894 ) endobj Sleepy Bath. 2 ] ) country club junior membership cost R /Type /StructElem Sleepy Hollow Bath and Racquet has two types membership... 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